CIDER believes in providing all the required platforms to its students. The junior school newsletter PERSPECTIVE is one such endeavor of ours. Junior school at CIDER publishes its monthly newsletter “PERSPECTIVE”, which is a wonderful platform for all our talented writers to express their feelings and also to showcase their creative skills. Perspective is totally student-centric where you would find our junior school students writing poems, riddles, stories, and articles and also displaying their art skills. Also, it covers the latest events and happenings at junior schools to keep all our stakeholders updated with us. We truly believe that we these efforts we will be able to identify those hidden writers who always wanted to express their ideas and thoughts and were waiting for a suitable mean of communication.
Volume-8, Issue-6
Volume-8, Issue-5
Volume-8, Issue-4
Volume-8, Issue-3
Volume-8, Issue-2
Volume-8, Issue-1
Volume-7, Issue-9
Volume-7, Issue-8
Volume-7, Issue-7
Volume-7, Issue-6
Volume-7, Issue-5
Volume-7, Issue-4
Volume-7, Issue-3
Volume-7, Issue-2
Volume-7, Issue-1
Volume-6, Issue-6
Volume-6, Issue-5
Volume-6, Issue-4
Volume-6, Issue-3
Volume-6, Issue-2
Volume-6, Issue-1
Volume-5, Issue-1
Volume-4, Issue-7
Volume-4, Issue-6
Volume-4, Issue-5
Volume-4, Issue-4
Volume-4, Issue-3
Volume-4, Issue-2
Volume-3, Issue-9
Volume-3, Issue-8
Volume-3, Issue-7
Volume-3, Issue-6
Volume-3, Issue-5
Volume-3, Issue-4
Volume-3, Issue 3
Volume-3, Issue-2
Volume-3, Issue-1
Volume-2, Issue-9
Volume-2, Issue-8
Volume-2, Issue-7
Volume-2, Issue-6
Volume-2, Issue-5
Volume-2, Issue-4
Volume-2, Issue-3
Volume-2, Issue-2
Volume-2, Issue-1
Volume-1, Issue-6
Volume-1. Issue-5
Volume-1. Issue-4
Volume-1, Issue-3
Volume-1, Issue-2
Volume-1, Issue-1