“Plant trees and save the planet”-focusing on that Science and Agriculture Studies Department of national Curriculum Senior Section has celebrated the “Tree Plantation Program-2023” in the Agriculture Studies practical field on 31st July 2023.

The program was inaugurated by our honorable Principal Sir Mr. Gyanesh Chandra Tripathi with his valuable speech inspiring students about tree plantation. We also had our honorable Vice Principal Ma’am Ms Neeti Tripathi among us.

For celebrating the day students from grade VI to X prepared different agriculture based projects with immense enthusiasm. Students also brought plants for planting. Principal Sir, Vice Principal Ma’am along with our section Coordinator Ms Mukti Chowdhury visited the projects and appreciated the students for their effort. After the project visit we had our tree plantation event in our agriculture studies practical field. Students with full of enthusiasm planted their plants in the field. In the midst of nature with the presence of students and teachers our Tree Plantation Program-2023 was a successful one.
