‘Dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body’- Martha Graham

NC Primary Inter House Dance competition was held on 25th September 2024 in multipurpose Hall. The selected students from Primary of four different houses took part in the competition. Our students put in countless hours of practice and dedication to perfect their routine and their hard work certainly paid off. Their performance was not only technically impressive but also conveyed a strong sense of emotion and storytelling. The competition was a great opportunity for our students to showcase their talent and passion for dance and they did so with grace and poise. The energy and enthusiasm from the audience were palpable and it was clear that our dancers had captivated the hearts of everyone in the room.

Our Honorable ED Sir Mr. G. C. Tripathi inaugurated the event. One of our badge holders hosted the whole event by showcasing exceptional leadership and organizational skills that impressed everyone in attendance. In Primary Section, Griffin house won the competition. Unicorn House and Dragon House had secured First and Second Runner Up positions, respectively. The esteemed judges of NC Primary were Ms. Nabanita Das and Ms. Tabassum Rahman.

All the participants enjoyed a lot and it was a very colorful event and that sounds exciting!
