In all debates, let truth be thy aim, not victory, or an unjust interest.”
― William Penn

With a view to inculcating the quality of appreciating truth in the students and to create a generation of great leaders who will admit the significance of healthy debate to create an accountable and democratic social order in order to ensure the culture of good governance, CIDER International school organizes Inter-school English Debate every session.

This year’s topic was: “ In teaching-learning process, teaching is taking place but learning is not being reflected in the society” This topic mirrors CIDER’’S unwavering commitment towards ensuring the quality of education. A total of sixteen participants of eight eminent schools locked horns during the competition. Through their battle of wits they lit up the occasion enlightening and entertaining the audience in the process. It was organized by the Dept. of English Language of Cambridge Senior Section on 3 November, ’22.

Each school was represented by two participants – one of whom spoke for the motion and the other, against. During this process, the participants in a way dissected our education system by citing different anomalies prevalent in society . They blamed the education system for this chaos around us. Contrastingly, the other group advocated for the education system saying that people generally have an inclination for sensational news and hence they simply ignore the many positives that the traditional system produce.

The three judges for the this year’s debate were :

  1. SanjoyBiswas

Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Premier University , Chittagong

  1. DuhitaChowdhury

Lecturer, Department of English Language and Literature

Premier University, Chittagong

  1. Md. MahadiRahman

General Secretary , Premier University Debating Society, Chittagong

Director of Divisional Social Services Office Mr. Kazi Nazimul Islam was the Chief Guest while the Director of Mostafa Group Mr. Mahfuz was the special guest and Vice-principal of CIDER Junior school Miss Neeti Tripathi was the guest of honour.

The programme commenced in traditional CIDERian way with the singing of the national anthem. Our esteemed Principal felicitated the Chief Guest, judges with shawl and bouquets. Thereafter,  explaining the debate rules and regulations of the competition by the M.C , the formal debate started. The Chief guest, and judges lauded the participants for their witty presentation of their points for and against the motion in their speeches. They also recommended various points for the debaters to ponder on to enrich their speeches in the future.

Cantonment English School and College clinched the title by becoming the Champion followed by CIDER International School of Cambridge Senior Curriculum in a thrilling encounter among the very best in the city. The competition drew to a close after the photo session.
