CIDER is dedicated to providing “State-of-the-Art” Technology for its student. We have two computer Labs adjacent to Library in 2nd floor of C-Block.   The labs have altogether 54 IBM-compatible computers, loaded with a variety of class-related software, including Windows 7 with the Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access). Students may use computers for Internet research, course-specific programs for instructional and testing purposes. The labs are served by high-quality laser printers and a scanner.

All the computers in Labs are connected to a High Speed WIFI network. Both the labs contain Multimedia Projector and Interactive White Board that helps the Teachers to demonstrate the practical tasks to the students more interactively. We have a highly technical IT support team on duty to assist with computer hardware, network and software issues and questions.


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  • Take permission from Lab in charge before sitting at a computer station other than scheduled class time
  • No eating or drinking.
  • Be respectful of other lab users, lab equipment and work area at all times.
  • Lab users are to clean up the area around the computer before leaving. This includes removing garbage and paper from the computer station, placing keyboards and mouse pads back in their proper place.
  • The lab is to be used for academic work only (essays, research, Practicing Tasks or reading).
  • The Lab Technician on duty will be available to assist users with computer problems, and other computer related tasks. Problems with computer lab equipment are to be reported to the Lab Technician immediately.
  • No physical misuse of the facility or computers will be tolerated.

User data files should be saved on personal storage mediums such as, USB Flash drives and online storage services. Files saved on the lab computers are deleted within a time interval.
