YES (Young Entrepreneur Society) is a along-waited program for the Department of Business Studies (NC Sr. Section) which is organized every year with great interest. On 28th September 2022, we have celebrated our 6th YES program in the LMR Hall of CIDER. The focal point of the YES program is to nourish the business knowledge of the students and encourage them to be successful business icons in the future. Besides, we cannot deny the fact that we all live in a world where the weight of business cannot be disregarded at all.
For a successful outcome of the YES program and to inspire the students we invited two renowned business leaders of our country. Mr. Shadat Masud, (General Manager-RTT TEXTILE Group) graced the programme as chief guest and Mr. Jahirul Islam Chowdhury (Director-Chattogram Chamber of Commerce & Industries) was the guest of honor. The program was started with the felicitation of our guests by our honorable Principal Sir. Our talented Vice Principal’s presence added color to the program. A PowerPoint presentation was given by Afia Noor Ibnat entitled as “Appearance of E-Services in Revolutionizing our Modern Society’’. After that, Instant Speech Competition was held on different contemporary business topics. The most attractive segment of the program was a drama which was a unique presentation by the students from grade IX and X. Later, our honorable guests shared their real-life business experiences with the students. The entire audience was cheered by the speech of the guests. The program was ended by the vote of thanks by our honorable Section Coordinator, Ms. Mukti Chowdhury. Indeed, it was a thriving achievement of the Business Dept.